Managed SDR Outsourcing
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You’ve probably received numerous emails from people wanting to provide “lead generation” and “appointment setting” services. We get them too.

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We believe “Lead Generation” and “Appointment Setting” services create garbage leads and appointments for your salespeople and are a waste of time and money.


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Instead, Wave Representatives provides Sales-as-a-Service. Our clients receive the added sales resources they need to succeed.

Our journey started with manufacturer representation, helping our clients support their channel partners and expand their market. We then added sales development representatives as a service due to the need for companies to have dedicated (branded) SDR’s to help their direct salespeople meet prospecting and meeting requirements that maintain strong pipeline.


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While there are certainly leads generated and appointments made, those services aren’t priced a la carte.

We found that businesses required dedicated staff who can better understand the company value proposition. By providing managed, outsourced teams, we maintain brand integrity while offloading the headaches of managing entry-level salespeople.


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One dedicated Sales Development Representative with all costs factored in is approximately 1/3 of hiring in-house.

We’ve endeavored to provide flexible pricing based on optional factors such as commission sharing and contract length.


Wave Representatives has also developed services to ensure consistent engagement utilizing the latest technologies and best practices. We provide our subscribers with dedicated, skilled teams under their identity and leverage our technology stack, allowing them to connect with prospects and follow-up successfully.

To find out how your organization can benefit from Wave Representatives contact us, and we’ll show you how we help solve these business challenges and more.
Wave Representatives, LLC™ Your Best Partner™

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