Introducing WaveLabs™

Wave Representatives is pleased to announce the addition of WaveLabs™.

WaveLabs™ is dedicated to providing innovative sales and marketing services for emerging technology centric manufacturers including; Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Analytics, Biometrics, Communications, CyberSecurity, Advanced Sensor Technologies and more.

Why are we introducing WaveLabs™?

We know that one size doesn’t fit all – so, whether you’re fresh out of an incubator or have finalized your first round of VC funding, Wave Representatives has aligned with leading technology providers to harness the very latest in intelligent selling.  Do what you do best, innovate and let Wave Representatives grow your sales.  A recent research white-paper found that salespeople are only engaged in actual selling 36% of the time, this is to no fault of their own, just simple statistics on other things that occupy their time.  Start ups have a significant challenge when entering the market and competing against well established sales teams.  Wave Representatives innovated and introduced the very first Performance Based Lead Generation (PBLG) and Channel Management services that help even the playing field for companies looking to disrupt established markets.

New research from RAIN group proves that it takes more touches than most salespeople have time or energy for.  While it’s true that 67% of the buying journey is done digitally, 82% of buyers accept meetings with sales representatives because they need help with the buying process.  However, buyers don’t want to meet with salespeople who waste their time (58% are considered a waste of time) which is why we created our research and sales discovery process to help outside sales people realize higher close rates.

Prospecting is still alive and well and an essential component in providing customers with the right information at the right time.  Salespeople everywhere know that speaking with end users earlier in the sales process greatly improves the chances of them becoming a client.   However, the average persistency is poor – the average sales rep will only make between 1.7 and 2.1 attempts to reach a prospect by phone before they give up. Data shows 8-12 contact attempts over a 10-14 day period is the optimal strategy to maximize the value of every lead.  []. This means that most opportunities are falling through the cracks and are not being pursued to the degree required.

Direct sales representatives are busy managing the channel and typically overloaded with work that needs to be done by internal personnel.  Deploying embedded sales teams who can take on many of the channel management and sales follow up duties are a proven method for increasing sales bandwidth and results in better channel engagement and customer experiences when purchasing your products.  The ability for inside sales teams to connect with potential buyers, provide follow up and make qualified appointments can tip the scales in your favor and provide the necessary touches for the modern buyer.

WaveLabs™ will provide the pipeline development and channel management needed by new manufacturers looking to penetrate the market. Grow Faster™

For more information and to see if you qualify, please contact Wave Representatives at [email protected] or 858.252.2880

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